BWCAW Driving Directions

Driving distance: 2 miles (5 minutes)

Start at Ely Outfitting Company.
Drive west on Hwy 169/Hwy 1 for .4 miles.
Turn right at the stoplight onto Central Ave.
Go ⅕ mile.
Turn left on W. Shagawa Rd. Note: You pass a first street sign for W. Shagawa Rd., but don’t turn there. Go another 120 feet to the second sign for W. Shagawa Rd., and turn there. There are several signs near the correct turn, including a sign that has a seaplane shown it.
Go 1.2 miles.
The dropoff parking area is on your right, next to the former water treatment plant. If you arrive at the city beach, turn around and follow the road along the shoreline for the parking seaplane parking area.

Transcribe or take a screenshot of driving directions before leaving the shop due to spotty cell service.

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