BWCAW Driving Directions

Driving distance: 70 miles (1.5 hours)

Start at Ely Outfitting Company.
Drive east on Hwy 169 for .8 miles.
Turn right onto Hwy 1.
Go 41 miles.
In the town of Isabella (at a sharp right turn in Hwy 1), turn left onto Wanless Road. There is a large brown directional street sign indicating you should turn left there, but there may not be a sign stating “Wanless Road.”
Go .8 miles.
Turn left onto Sawbill Landing Road (large brown directional sign).
Go 5.7 miles.
Veer right, with another large brown directional sign.
Go 11.3 miles.
Veer left (with another large brown directional sign) onto Road 705.
Go 7.5 miles.
Turn left onto Kawishiwi Lake Road.
Go 1.9 miles.
Turn left into Hog Creek Entry Point parking lot. There is a large sign indicating the parking area.

Transcribe or take a screenshot of driving directions before leaving the shop due to spotty cell service.

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