While we’ve fortunately had adequate snow for dogsledding this winter, we sure haven’t had the typical piling on of the white stuff. This week I guided a couple of families from the Twin Cities area. They arrived from the brown landscape of the Cities and enjoyed the fresh falling snow on White Iron Lake. About four inches have fallen, and there are “snow globe” flakes still gentling falling this morning. We don’t typically pile four people on a dogsled, but this made for a fun family photo opp. Mishka is the dog with the white face smiling at the camera above.

And there’s Otok (the dog) smiling as he runs by, above.

Kent, above, held on tight as his dogs launched with a great burst of forward speed… or he was just hamming it up for the camera as he passed by.
Loved the photos and text….looks like so much fun….mush on…neighbor bill