The Boundary Waters is a special place. If you’ve been here, you appreciate that. It seems a land frozen in time – both primordial and immortal. Its grandeur seems so strong, its granite ridges so permanent, its waters so immense and pure – it seems the hands of man could hardly impair such a powerful place.
But, our Boundary Waters is more fragile than it may seem. And it is threatened. A Chilean mining giant wants to put America’s most polluting industry on the very edge of the BWCA. They want to extract copper and nickel in trace amounts from ultra-hazardous sulfide ores.
The sulfide ores are bad news for clean water. Once exposed to air, they create sulfuric acid that leaches out dangerous heavy metals and kills watersheds. And this mine would produce mountainous volumes of this ultra-hazardous waste rock – right on the very edge of the BWCA.
To put it lightly, this is risky business. The track record of these mining companies is horrible, and the legacy of these unique mines is one of broken promises and watershed pollution – every time.
We must not risk the heart of the BWCA – its clean water. We owe it to those who established this Wilderness to carry forward a legacy of preservation. And we owe it to the good of our society to protect the BWCA as an irreplaceable national treasure.
Know that we will do our best to protect the Boundary Waters from this threat. And, fortunately, a good team of smart and passionate people with strong connections to the Wilderness are spearheading a national effort to save the Boundary Waters from this threat. Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness is spearheading the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters. The campaign includes a growing coalition of national and state organizations, and it needs your help.
Today is “Give to the Max” day in Minnesota – an annual fundraising day for MN nonprofits. Your donation today as part of this special event will be doubled with matching funds. Click here and donate at https://www.givemn.org/organization/Northeastern-Minnesotans-For-Wilderness
After today, you can still donate at www.SaveTheBoundaryWaters.org.
Thanks for supporting this important cause.