Winds gusting to 35 mph and snow whipping in your face greeted canoers this morning.
Mike Hillman, host of the polka show on WELY radio today, provided some advice to those canoers:
“Put on every article of clothing you have, and go east.”
I took this photo at about 11 AM today.
We encountered similar conditions on the Ice Age Trail in WI yesterday morning. We woke up to sleet and about 30F!
Daggum, it’s the middle of MAY! There are complaints here because people have to wait two more weeks for the public pools to open.
Ben and Betsy, how our weather can change!
Today it’s 60 and sunny, but feels like 80 in the sun. We’re off to hike the Bass Lake trail a few miles outside of Ely.
Ben, hope you’re hiking in some beautiful weather like we’re enjoying here today.
Betsy, Ely “swimming pools” opened three weeks ago… when the ice went out!