Although not as eye catching as the trees, a look under the black spruce or tamarack trees in the frozen bogs will likely discover a common wetland shrub called Labrador tea. While guiding, I pause and point it out along the dogsled trail, encouraging dogsledding guests to pocket a couple handfuls for later back at the lodge.

The most commonly confused similar plant may be leatherleaf, another common wetland shrub – but one that lacks the hairy underside. Also, leatherleaf leaves typically angle upward, whereas the Labrador tea leaves often droop downward or point out horizontally.
In late May through June, once the mosquitoes have returned and the dogsleds are stored, Labrador tea blooms with dime-sized white flowers – each with five petals. If you are not in the wetlands at that time of year, you may see the flowers while paddling along boggy shorelines.
With such a name, it is no surprise that people steep the leaves in hot water for five minutes or so to make a hot beverage. I’ve found that placing a large handful of leaves into a coffee filter, and dunking them in a hot mug of water for five minutes is a simple way to prepare the herbal drink with easy cleanup. The concoction can taste quite woodsy and few people claim it to be particularly pleasing straight up. However, a healthy dose of cream and sugar, perhaps not surprisingly, makes for a delightful occasional beverage.

Although the beverage may provide some health benefits and is commonly referred to as a desirable tea drink, it is important to know that the leaves contain a potentially poisonous compound. That’s probably why you won’t find this tea on supermarket shelves. Thus, the tea should only be consumed infrequently and not in large quantities. To limit your intake, maybe only drink Labrador tea while you’re on a dogsled trip, unless, of course, you’re a dogsled guide.