The Photo Workshop dogsledding trip has wrapped up. We are lucky to have professional photographer Layne Kennedy leading these trips. He is a wonderfully dynamic and talented photographer and teacher.

The group learned a lot from Layne. One of Layne’s main ideas for better photos is to ask yourself, “What am I trying to say with this photo?” Another of his suggestions is to think: expansive (overview), medium (mid-distance from subject), and detail (close-up) to create a more interesting set of photographic results.

Above is a photo Layne Kennedy ( took of a participant dog sledding through the wilderness. Notice the sense of motion he conveys with the blurring effect on the trees. Our dogs don’t always travel as fast as is conveyed with the blurring effect – they average 3-4 mph. However, the group agreed that everyone, at some point during the trip, experienced a feeling that their dogs were moving as fast as is shown in the photo!

I start dogsleding with a new group of eight participants tomorrow. We have several distinct accents reflecting the distance some of them have traveled.


  1. Did you get to guide on that trip? I LOVED the photo workshop last year. I learned a ton. It was a great way to get introduced to dogsledding!

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